Lesson №3. Verb forms: participle, adverbial participle
Lekanta №3. Paħå aseki: askot, glimus

Participle / Askot

A participle is a form of a verb that is used in a sentence to modify a noun, noun phrase, verb, or verb phrase, and plays a role similar to an adjective or adverb.

The past participle has an ending: -eu.

This is identical to the past tense form (ending in -ed) in the case of regular verbs, for example "loaded", "boiled", "mounted", but takes various forms in the case of irregular verbs, such as done, sung, written, put, gone, etc.
done - faseu [fasoɪ],
(be)loved - léireu [leiroɪ],
seen - vrohteu [vrohtoɪ].

The present participle has an ending: -èļt.

The present participle, also sometimes called the active, imperfect, or progressive participle, takes the ending -ing, for example doing, seeing, working, running
doing - fasèļt [fasəl't],
loving - léirèļt [leɪrəl't],
seeing - vrohtèļt [vrohtəl't].

I knew a guy (who) loved her to death - Åm sav gajcera, léirejš ìji tis mord [əm sav gajtsera: leiroɪ iji tis mord]
I know a guy, loving her to death - Åm savem gajcera, léirèļt ìji tis feirh [əm sav gajtsera: leɪrəl't] iji tis feɪrh]

Adverbial participle / Glimus

A participle that modifies a verb in same sentence and which is equivalent to an adverbial clause in English. Adverbial participles may denote time, condition, cause, concession, manner, means, purpose, or attendant circumstance.

The past adverbial participle has an ending: -onc

This participle is usually used when the action is done and can be translated as "having + past participle (having sth. done)".
having done - fasonc [fasonts],
having loved - léironc [leɪronts],
having seen - vrohtonc [vrohtonts].

The present adverbial participle has an ending: -ea

The present advervial participle is used when two actions intersect between each other. It can be translated as "while + gerund (while doing)". Examples:
doing - fasea [faseə],
loving - léirea [leɪreə],
seeing - vrohtea [vrohteə].

Having done the work, he went to shop - Fasonc orendora, ev optr reglabvà [fasonts orendora, ev optr reglabva]
While doing his job, he sang a song - Fasea orendora, ev istr suet [faseə orendora, ev istr suet]